Good evening everyone,
After what has felt like and eternity, we are delighted to announce that we will be reopening on the 15th of June after the governments go ahead.
Unfortunately Due to regulations and the guidance currently provided, there will be some changes to our normal day to day operations that will effect your visit and they are as follows.
The main shop
Our main shop will be open on a reduced hours of 11am-3pm Monday to Saturday.
The door will remain locked and only strictly admitting a maximum of two people from the same house hold at a time (sadly no children will be allowed at present)
If you are wearing gloves, you will be asked to remove them and use hand sanitiser as you enter the shop.
We will be cleaning surfaces and areas between visitors.
Trying garments, for now, will unfortunately be limited, due to the advice provided and holding periods. We will be using mannequins where possible to demonstrate outfits.
All our staff will be wearing face masks and gloves when with customers, due to the nature of the business.
It is not necessary to book to visit the main shop, just pop down, but if there is a customer in at the time, you may have to wait outside or pop back.
Consultations and fitting rooms-
our consultation rooms will only be open 3 staggered days a week to begin with.
strictly a maximum of two people from the same household permitted at any given time (sadly no children will be allowed at present)
If you are wearing gloves, you will be asked to remove them and use hand sanitiser as you enter and gloves will be provided if you wish to touch anything.
We will be cleaning surfaces and areas between visitors.
Trying garments, for now, will unfortunately be limited, due to the advice provided and holding periods. We will be using mannequins where possible to demonstrate outfits.
All our staff will be wearing face masks and gloves when with customers, due to the nature of the business.
consultations and fitting are strictly by appointment only.
Whilst writing this out, It feels very surreal to be having these sort of measures put in place, however the safety of our customers, our staff and everyone connected to us that these must be adhered to and followed. If you have any concerns, please speak with us directly, as we are all very much in the same boat trying to keep everyone safe.
Now that the formalities are outlined, we honestly can not wait to open again and start doing what we love again. It has been a very difficult time for everyone and we are keeping everything crossed that the virus is truly under control, whilst remaining prepared for any possible changes.
We Very much look forward to welcoming you back.
Keep safe, Keep those hands clean and lets get back to looking dapper again.
With warmest regards,
Dandy Threads
